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4 Ways to Cut Back on Energy While Doing Chores
Jul 17, 2017

When the warm weather returns and it’s time for summer cleaning, it seems like your chores always get pushed back until the last possible moment! We’ve gathered some tips that will help you cut back on energy while you clean around the house.

  • Plan ahead! Look at your to-do list and plan per the outside temperature. Leave the chores that produce heat or moisture (cooking, laundry, ironing, etc.) to the earlier or evening hours.
  • Air dry only! Opt for air drying your dishes instead of using the heat drying cycle on your dishwasher.
  • Grill only please! Fire up your grill when it’s time to cook dinner. By cooking outside, you won’t cause the temperature in the kitchen to rise by using the oven or stove would. Plus this will help keep the kitchen clean!
  • Don’t over trim! While you are doing your weekend gardening, remember not to over trim the hedges and bushes around the house… especially if they are located near a window and can provide shade.




Ashley Leach

Ashley Leach is a freelance writer and digital content marketer with a background in journalism, digital reporting, and marketing for numerous industries. She's found her perfect fit at North American Power in writing about home maintenance and repairs, energy efficiency, and smart home technology.