Energy Saving Tips: Kitchen Edition
Apr 10, 2017
You might not realize but your kitchen can be a big energy wasting room! Here are 7 tips to help you cut down your energy use in the kitchen!
- No peeking! Each time you open the oven door while cooking, the oven temperature decreases by 25-75 degrees. Instead, turn on the oven light so you can see how your meal is progressing without disrupting the cooking process and wasting energy!
- Switch to LED bulbs STAT! Replace any incandescent bulbs in your kitchen with LED bulbs that use less energy and will last as much as 25 times longer!
- Make your own ice! Although having an automatic ice machine is nice, they use a lot of unnecessary energy!
- Use the right burner! By using the wrong size burn on your stove will waste heat thus using more energy!
- Cool down first! Letting food cool down to room temperature before placing it in the fridge will ensure your fridge doesn’t work overtime.
- Top shelf only! By cooking your food on the top shelf in the oven, you can cut your cook time by almost 20%! That means getting dinner on the table faster!
- Turn down the heat! By lowering your water heater to 120 degrees instead of 140 degrees you can save 6-10% on your energy bill!
General tips are taken from the below sources and are not independently verified by North American Power. Dollar and usage savings are estimates and are based on, but not limited to the following: home profile information, performance assumptions, third-party resources, and the average regional cost for electricity. Savings are not guaranteed, are subject to change, and may vary.
- http://www.puco.ohio.gov/puco/index.cfm/be-informed/consumer-topics/energy-and-water-conservation-tips/#sthash.exzGHxP0.dpbs
- https://energy.gov/energysaver/lighting-choices-save-you-money
- http://lifehacker.com/5792410/save-some-serious-energy-and-money-by-turning-off-your-ice-maker
- https://www.houselogic.com/save-money-add-value/save-on-utilities/kitchen-energy-saving/
- http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/8-easy-energy-saving-tips-for-163515
- http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/8-easy-energy-saving-tips-for-163515
- https://www.houselogic.com/organize-maintain/home-maintenance-tips/water-heater-energy-saving-tips/
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