Energy Saving Tips for the Warmer Weather!
Jul 24, 2017
Summer days have arrived and are here to stay. We rounded up some tips that you can do to help keep your energy use from rising with the temperature. The below tips are simple to start doing and will help you cut back on your home’s energy use.
- Turn off the Ceiling Fan. Before you leave the room, remember to shut off the ceiling fan. It might have kept you cool, but it won’t do anything for the room.
- Consider Air drying. When the weather is hot, while doing the laundry, consider air drying to avoid turning on the dryer.
- Cooling check-up. This summer season we suggest you get a cooling system maintenance check. This helps determine if your system is up to snuff or if any repairs will be required to ensure the system is running efficiently.
- How low can you go? When you lower the temperature of your water heater by 20 degrees, you could save between 4%-22% annually in energy usage!
- Goodbye air leaks. By sealing any air leaks around your home, you could save between 10%- 20% in energy usage especially when you seal leaks around your windows! So go buy some caulk today.
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