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This or That Thursday
Blender or Espresso Machine?
Apr 27, 2017

When the morning rolls around, we often find ourselves looking for something to help wake us up. Most people would reach for a cup of coffee or a fresh smoothie not thinking about the amount of energy being used to make them! Below, we break down exactly how much wattage each appliance typically uses!

Let’s look at wattage.

Blender = 300 Watts < Espresso Machine = 360 Watts 

Conclusion: The high wattage of an espresso machine makes a strong case in favor of a delicious fresh fruit smoothie to kick start your day. If you still need your coffee kick, consider adding some coffee grounds to your smoothie before you blend it up!



Ashley Leach

Ashley Leach is a freelance writer and digital content marketer with a background in journalism, digital reporting, and marketing for numerous industries. She's found her perfect fit at North American Power in writing about home maintenance and repairs, energy efficiency, and smart home technology.