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This or That Thursday
Table Fan or Ceiling Fan?
May 04, 2017

Spring has sprung! That means that warmer days are on the horizon! Don’t wait until it’s already sweltering hot outside to figure out the best way to keep cool this year. Should you bring out the table fans from the attic or turn on the ceiling fans to beat the heat? To make the decision easier, we looked at how much energy each appliance typically uses.

Let’s look at wattage.

Table Fan = 25 Watts < Ceiling Fan = 75 Watts

Conclusion: The low energy use of the table fan makes a strong case to just bring them down from the attic instead of flipping on the ceiling fans.



Ashley Leach

Ashley Leach is a freelance writer and digital content marketer with a background in journalism, digital reporting, and marketing for numerous industries. She's found her perfect fit at North American Power in writing about home maintenance and repairs, energy efficiency, and smart home technology.