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This or That Thursday
Disc Sander or Belt Sander?
Jul 06, 2017

It’s Saturday morning and you are finally getting around to finishing that wood working project that you put down a few weeks ago. On your to do list for today, you need to sand down the wood so it’s nice and smooth before you can move on to painting the wood. Before you go outside to the garage to grab all of the tools you will need to finish the project, consider just how much energy each sander typically uses! We looked at the data that compares how much energy is typically used by each appliance to help make the decision slightly easier.

Let’s look at wattage.

9” Disc Sander = 1200 Watts < 3” belt sander= 1000 Watts

Conclusion: Well you can see the size difference, so depending how much wood you need to sand down for your project, that might be the deciding factor about which sander you will use. But if you are concerned about energy usage, we suggest going with the 3” belt sander. It will help you remove a lot of material quickly such a stripping paint or finishes and smoothing the wood and getting into the hard to reach places.




Ashley Leach

Ashley Leach is a freelance writer and digital content marketer with a background in journalism, digital reporting, and marketing for numerous industries. She's found her perfect fit at North American Power in writing about home maintenance and repairs, energy efficiency, and smart home technology.